Kayitesi Alice

Kayitesi Alice was raised in an orphanage since her parents died in the 1994 genocide. Kayitesi lived with her aunt and abusive husband when she was seven years old. When she was 19, she started working as a prostitute, where she was constantly beaten, abused, and caught HIV.
Niragire Annonciate

Niragire Annonciata was born to a family of 12 kids; four of them are not alive anymore. One of her sisters was tortured, raped, and killed by the Interahamwe in the genocide of 1994.
Nyiransabimana Apoline

Nyiransabimana Apoline got pregnant and had a baby at the age of 16. Nyiransabimana had to work as a dirt cleaner, and following that, prostitution. Sadly, she degraded into alcoholism and is HIV/AIDS positive.
Umumararungo Sabine

Umumararungu Sabine’s mom died while she gave birth to her, and her dad died when she was seven. Her mom’s family was killed in the 1994 massacre. Her siblings, that were from another mother, chased her away after her father died, leaving her alone in the world. She was impregnated while working as a maid at 15.
Nirere Feresine

Nirere Feresine grew up alone from a very young age. When Nirere’s parents divorced, she moved to live with her dad, who had raped her. Afterward, she lived with her sister’s family and worked as a housemade in Kigali City, but she was also raped there.
Zaninka Josiane

Zaninka Josiane is from Rubavu district, Rwanda. Her mother died in the 1994 genocide, and her father died in the 1997 Bacengezi warfare. Zaninka Josiane has survived extreme poverty and gave birth at a young age.
Umutesi Rebecca

Umutesi Rebecca, one of 18 brothers and sisters, is a survivor of the 1994 genocide. Umutesis’ dad lost his life in the violence. Umutesis’ family split when some of her siblings migrated to Zaire, while the rest had to live in hiding. Following the years of the civil war, Umutesi got married. Her husband was abusive and threatened to kill her until she ran away from him with their two children: “life doesn’t end here; it can move on.”
Nyirasikubwabo Domitile

Nyirasikubwabo Domitile from Karongi district, Rwanda. Her dad was from the Hutu tribe, and her mom was born in the Tutsi tribe. She was one of nine siblings; now, they are just 3. Her family lost many casualties in the Rwandan civil war.